Alico Beans cooked in a crockpot 2023

Absolutely, here’s a detailed recipe for your delicious Calico Beans cooked in a crockpot, perfect for tonight’s dinner for 6:


  • 1 lb lean ground beef
  • 1/2 lb bacon
  • 2 cans (28 oz each) pork and beans
  • 2 cans (15 oz each) dark kidney beans, drained
  • 2 cans (15 oz each) butter beans, drained
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar


  1. Prepare the Beans:
    • Open and drain the dark kidney beans and butter beans. Add them along with the pork and beans to the crockpot.
  2. Brown the Ground Beef:
    • In a skillet over medium heat, brown the lean ground beef with chopped onions until the meat is fully cooked and the onions are tender. Drain any excess fat.
  3. Add Beef Mixture to Crockpot:
    • Transfer the browned beef and onion mixture to the crockpot, combining it with the beans.
  4. Prepare the Bacon:
    • In the same skillet, fry the bacon until it’s crispy. Once done, crumble or dice the bacon into small pieces.
  5. Add Bacon to Crockpot:
    • Add the crumbled or diced bacon to the crockpot, distributing it evenly.
  6. Add Ketchup and Brown Sugar:
    • Drizzle the ketchup and sprinkle the brown sugar over the contents in the crockpot.
  7. Stir and Cook:
    • Gently stir all the ingredients in the crockpot until well combined. Make sure the ketchup and brown sugar are evenly distributed.
  8. Cook in the Crockpot:
    • Place the lid on the crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hours. This slow cooking allows the flavors to meld together and creates a delicious, hearty dish.
  9. Serve with Cornbread:
    • While the Calico Beans are cooking, prepare or warm up cornbread according to your preference. Cornbread pairs wonderfully with this dish.
  10. Enjoy Dinner:
    • Once the Calico Beans are ready, serve them hot alongside cornbread. The combination of savory beans, beef, and bacon with the sweet and tangy sauce is sure to be a crowd-pleaser!

This easy-to-make Calico Beans recipe is perfect for a hassle-free and satisfying family dinner. Enjoy your meal! 🍲🌽


Q1: Can I use different types of beans in this Calico Beans recipe?

A1: Absolutely! The beauty of Calico Beans is its versatility. You can experiment with various bean combinations such as black beans, pinto beans, or navy beans based on your preference.

Q2: Can I make this recipe vegetarian?

A2: Yes, you can make a vegetarian version by omitting the ground beef and bacon. Consider adding more beans or vegetables like bell peppers and mushrooms for added texture and flavor.

Q3: Can I use ground turkey instead of ground beef?

A3: Certainly! You can substitute ground turkey for the ground beef to make a leaner version of Calico Beans. Make sure to cook the ground turkey thoroughly before adding it to the crockpot.

Q4: Can I freeze Calico Beans for later use?

A4: Yes, Calico Beans freeze well. Allow the dish to cool completely before transferring it to a freezer-safe container. It can be stored in the freezer for up to three months. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

Q5: What can I serve as a side dish besides cornbread?

A5: Besides cornbread, Calico Beans pair well with a variety of sides. Consider serving it with rice, mashed potatoes, or a simple green salad for a well-rounded meal.

Q6: Can I adjust the sweetness of Calico Beans?

A6: Certainly! Feel free to adjust the amount of brown sugar to your taste preference. If you prefer a sweeter flavor, you can add a bit more brown sugar, or reduce it if you prefer a less sweet dish.

Q7: How can I make this dish spicier?

A7: To add some heat, consider incorporating diced jalapeños or a pinch of cayenne pepper. Adjust the spice level according to your preference to give the Calico Beans a kick.

Q8: Can I cook Calico Beans on high heat in the crockpot for a shorter time?

A8: While low heat is recommended for this recipe to allow flavors to meld and develop fully, you can cook on high for a shorter time if needed. Keep a close eye to prevent overcooking and check for doneness.

Q9: Can I make this recipe in advance and reheat it?

A9: Yes, Calico Beans can be made in advance and reheated. Store leftovers in the refrigerator and reheat on the stove or in the microwave. The flavors often deepen and improve upon reheating.

Q10: How long can I keep leftovers in the refrigerator?

A10: Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Ensure proper cooling and refrigeration to maintain freshness.

  1. Soak the Beans Overnight:
    • To improve the texture and reduce cooking time, soak the beans in water overnight before adding them to the crockpot. This helps them cook more evenly.
  2. Add Aromatics for Flavor:
    • Enhance the flavor profile by sautéing diced onions, garlic, and maybe even bell peppers before adding them to the crockpot. This adds depth and richness to the dish.
  3. Choose Quality Meat:
    • Select high-quality meat, such as smoked sausage or ham hock, to infuse a rich and savory flavor into the beans as they cook.
  4. Experiment with Seasonings:
    • Don’t hesitate to experiment with different seasonings. Consider adding cumin, paprika, or a bay leaf for extra depth and complexity.
  5. Use Chicken or Vegetable Broth:
    • Substitute water with chicken or vegetable broth for cooking the beans. This adds an extra layer of flavor to the dish.
  6. Include Diced Tomatoes:
    • Add a can of diced tomatoes to the mix. The acidity and sweetness from tomatoes can complement the earthiness of the beans.
  7. Fresh Herbs for Freshness:
    • Stir in fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, or thyme towards the end of cooking for a burst of freshness and color.
  8. Add a Splash of Vinegar:
    • A small splash of vinegar, such as apple cider or balsamic, can brighten the flavors of the beans and balance the richness of the dish.
  9. Customize the Spice Level:
    • Adjust the spice level according to your preference. If you enjoy a bit of heat, consider adding a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes.
  10. Serve with Fresh Sides:
    • Pair the Alico Beans with fresh and vibrant sides like a simple green salad or coleslaw to balance the heartiness of the dish.
  11. Garnish with Fresh Lime or Lemon:
    • Just before serving, squeeze a fresh lime or lemon over the beans for a citrusy kick that brightens the flavors.
  12. Allow for a Rest Period:
    • After the beans are cooked, let them rest for a bit before serving. This allows the flavors to meld, and the beans to absorb the delicious broth.
  13. Serve with Cornbread or Rice:
    • Accompany the Alico Beans with cornbread or rice for a complete and satisfying meal.

Remember, the beauty of Alico Beans is their versatility, so feel free to get creative and adjust the recipe to suit your taste preferences!

  1. Q: Can I use different types of beans for Alico Beans?
    • A: Yes, you can experiment with various beans like pinto beans, black beans, or navy beans based on your preference.
  2. Q: Do I have to soak the beans before cooking in a crockpot?
    • A: While it’s not mandatory, soaking the beans overnight can help improve texture and reduce cooking time.
  3. Q: Can I use canned beans instead of dried beans?
    • A: Yes, you can use canned beans, but adjust the cooking time accordingly as canned beans require less time to cook.
  4. Q: What type of meat works best with Alico Beans?
    • A: Smoked sausage, ham hock, or bacon are popular choices for adding flavor to Alico Beans.
  5. Q: How long should I cook Alico Beans in the crockpot?
    • A: Cooking time varies, but on low heat, it’s typically 6-8 hours. On high heat, it can be done in 4-6 hours, depending on the desired tenderness of the beans.
  6. Q: Can I freeze Alico Beans?
    • A: Yes, Alico Beans freeze well. Allow them to cool completely before transferring to a freezer-safe container.
  7. Q: Can I make Alico Beans vegetarian?
    • A: Absolutely! Simply omit the meat or use vegetarian alternatives like veggie sausage or smoked tofu.
  8. Q: What other seasonings can I add for extra flavor?
    • A: Experiment with seasonings like cumin, paprika, bay leaves, or even a splash of hot sauce to customize the flavor profile.
  9. Q: Can I cook Alico Beans on high heat the entire time?
    • A: While it’s possible, cooking on low heat for a longer time allows the flavors to develop more fully and results in creamier beans.
  10. Q: How can I prevent the beans from becoming mushy?
    • A: Avoid overcooking the beans and monitor their tenderness during the last hour of cooking. Cooking times can vary based on bean type and freshness.
  11. Q: Can I add vegetables to Alico Beans?
    • A: Yes, diced vegetables like bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes can be added for extra flavor and texture.
  12. Q: What’s the best way to reheat leftover Alico Beans?
    • A: Reheat slowly on the stove or in the microwave, adding a bit of water or broth to maintain the desired consistency.
  13. Q: Can I make Alico Beans in a pressure cooker instead of a crockpot?
    • A: Yes, you can adapt the recipe for a pressure cooker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cooking dried beans.

Feel free to customize these questions and answers based on your audience and their potential inquiries!

  1. Soak the Beans Overnight:
    • Secret: Soaking the beans overnight not only reduces cooking time but also helps achieve a creamier texture.
  2. Use Quality Ingredients:
    • Secret: Opt for high-quality dried beans, fresh vegetables, and flavorful meat (such as smoked sausage or ham hock) to enhance the overall taste.
  3. Layer Flavors with Sautéed Aromatics:
    • Secret: Sauté onions, garlic, and bell peppers before adding them to the crockpot. This adds depth and richness to the dish.
  4. Experiment with Seasonings:
    • Secret: Don’t shy away from experimenting with seasonings. Adding cumin, paprika, bay leaves, or thyme can elevate the flavor profile.
  5. Include Diced Tomatoes:
    • Secret: Adding a can of diced tomatoes not only adds acidity but also sweetness, balancing the earthiness of the beans.
  6. Balance Thickness with Broth:
    • Secret: Substitute water with chicken or vegetable broth for cooking the beans. This enhances the overall flavor and adds an extra layer of richness.
  7. Fresh Herbs for Freshness:
    • Secret: Stir in fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, or thyme towards the end of cooking for a burst of freshness and color.
  8. Add a Splash of Vinegar:
    • Secret: A small splash of vinegar, such as apple cider or balsamic, can brighten the flavors of the beans and balance the richness.
  9. Customize the Spice Level:
    • Secret: Adjust the spice level by adding a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes according to your preference.
  10. Garnish with Fresh Lime or Lemon:
    • Secret: Just before serving, squeeze a fresh lime or lemon over the beans for a citrusy kick that brightens the flavors.
  11. Allow for a Rest Period:
    • Secret: After the beans are cooked, let them rest for a bit before serving. This allows the flavors to meld, and the beans to absorb the delicious broth.
  12. Serve with Complementary Sides:
    • Secret: Accompany the Alico Beans with sides like cornbread or rice for a complete and satisfying meal.
  13. Customize Vegetables and Add-Ins:
    • Secret: Experiment with adding diced carrots, celery, or other vegetables for additional flavor and nutritional value.
  14. Low and Slow Cooking:
    • Secret: Cooking the beans on low heat for a longer time allows the flavors to develop fully, resulting in tender and flavorful beans.

Remember, these secrets can be adjusted based on personal preferences, and the key is to have fun experimenting with flavors to create the perfect Alico Beans for your taste!

  1. Sauté Aromatics:
    • Tip: Begin by sautéing onions, garlic, and maybe even bell peppers in a bit of olive oil before adding them to the crockpot. This step adds depth and richness to the flavor.
  2. Quality Meats:
    • Tip: Choose high-quality meats such as smoked sausage or ham hock to impart rich and savory flavors to the beans.
  3. Customize with Seasonings:
    • Tip: Experiment with different seasonings. Adding cumin, paprika, bay leaves, or a touch of chili powder can elevate the taste.
  4. Use Chicken or Vegetable Broth:
    • Tip: Substitute water with chicken or vegetable broth for added depth of flavor. It enhances the overall richness of the dish.
  5. Fresh Herbs at the End:
    • Tip: Stir in fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, or thyme towards the end of cooking for a burst of freshness and color.
  6. Splash of Vinegar:
    • Tip: Add a small splash of vinegar, such as apple cider or balsamic, to brighten the flavors and balance the richness.
  7. Balance Thickness:
    • Tip: If the beans are too thick, adjust the consistency by adding a bit more broth or water. For a thicker texture, reduce the liquid slightly.
  8. Customize with Veggies:
    • Tip: Consider adding diced carrots, celery, or other vegetables to add both flavor and nutritional value.
  9. Layered Presentation:
    • Tip: When serving, consider layering the beans with a sprinkle of shredded cheese, a dollop of sour cream, or a garnish of fresh herbs for an attractive presentation.
  10. Drizzle of Olive Oil:
    • Tip: Just before serving, a drizzle of good-quality extra virgin olive oil can add a luxurious touch and enhance the overall richness.
  11. Spice It Up:
    • Tip: If you like some heat, add a pinch of cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, or a dash of hot sauce to kick up the spiciness.
  12. Serve with Cornbread or Rice:
    • Tip: Accompany Alico Beans with cornbread, rice, or warm tortillas for a more complete and satisfying meal.
  13. Garnish with Fresh Lime or Lemon:
    • Tip: Squeeze fresh lime or lemon juice over the beans just before serving for a citrusy zing that brightens the dish.
  14. Customize the Bean Mix:
    • Tip: Experiment with a mix of different beans, such as pinto beans, black beans, or kidney beans, for a varied and interesting texture.
  15. Allow for Resting Time:
    • Tip: After cooking, let the beans sit for a few minutes before serving. This allows the flavors to meld and intensify.

Feel free to tailor these tips to your taste preferences, and enjoy your delightful Alico Beans!

  1. Q: Can I use different types of beans for Alico Beans?
    • A: Yes, you can experiment with various beans like pinto beans, black beans, or navy beans based on your preference.
  2. Q: Do I have to soak the beans before cooking in a crockpot?
    • A: While it’s not mandatory, soaking the beans overnight can help improve texture and reduce cooking time.
  3. Q: Can I use canned beans instead of dried beans?
    • A: Yes, you can use canned beans, but adjust the cooking time accordingly as canned beans require less time to cook.
  4. Q: What type of meat works best with Alico Beans?
    • A: Smoked sausage, ham hock, or bacon are popular choices for adding flavor to Alico Beans.
  5. Q: How long should I cook Alico Beans in the crockpot?
    • A: Cooking time varies, but on low heat, it’s typically 6-8 hours. On high heat, it can be done in 4-6 hours, depending on the desired tenderness of the beans.
  6. Q: Can I freeze Alico Beans?
    • A: Yes, Alico Beans freeze well. Allow them to cool completely before transferring to a freezer-safe container.
  7. Q: Can I make Alico Beans vegetarian?
    • A: Absolutely! Simply omit the meat or use vegetarian alternatives like veggie sausage or smoked tofu.
  8. Q: What other seasonings can I add for extra flavor?
    • A: Experiment with seasonings like cumin, paprika, bay leaves, or even a splash of hot sauce to customize the flavor profile.
  9. Q: Can I cook Alico Beans on high heat the entire time?
    • A: While it’s possible, cooking on low heat for a longer time allows the flavors to develop more fully and results in creamier beans.
  10. Q: How can I prevent the beans from becoming mushy?
    • A: Avoid overcooking the beans and monitor their tenderness during the last hour of cooking. Cooking times can vary based on bean type and freshness.
  11. Q: Can I add vegetables to Alico Beans?
    • A: Yes, diced vegetables like bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes can be added for extra flavor and texture.
  12. Q: What’s the best way to reheat leftover Alico Beans?
    • A: Reheat slowly on the stove or in the microwave, adding a bit of water or broth to maintain the desired consistency.
  13. Q: Can I make Alico Beans in a pressure cooker instead of a crockpot?
    • A: Yes, you can adapt the recipe for a pressure cooker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cooking dried beans.

Feel free to customize these questions and answers based on your audience and their potential inquiries!


  1. Soak the Beans Overnight:
    • Secret: Soaking the beans overnight helps them cook more evenly and reduces cooking time, resulting in a creamier texture.
  2. Quality Ingredients:
    • Secret: Use high-quality dried beans, fresh vegetables, and flavorful meats for the best taste. Fresh ingredients contribute significantly to the overall flavor.
  3. Layered Flavors:
    • Secret: Add layers of flavor by sautéing onions, garlic, and maybe even bell peppers before adding them to the crockpot. This initial step enhances the overall depth of the dish.
  4. Choose the Right Meats:
    • Secret: Whether you use smoked sausage or ham hock, choose meats with rich flavors to infuse the beans with a delicious smokiness.
  5. Customize Seasonings:
    • Secret: Experiment with seasonings like cumin, paprika, bay leaves, or even a hint of cinnamon to add complexity and depth to the dish.
  6. Low and Slow Cooking:
    • Secret: Cook the beans on low heat for an extended period. This slow cooking allows the flavors to meld together, resulting in tender and flavorful beans.
  7. Balance Consistency:
    • Secret: Adjust the consistency of the beans by adding more broth or water if needed. Aim for a creamy texture without being too thick or too soupy.
  8. Fresh Herbs at the End:
    • Secret: Stir in fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro towards the end of cooking for a burst of freshness and vibrant color.
  9. Vegetable Timing:
    • Secret: If adding vegetables like tomatoes, add them later in the cooking process to preserve their texture and prevent them from becoming mushy.
  10. Finish with a Splash of Acid:
    • Secret: Just before serving, add a splash of acidity with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice or a dash of vinegar. This brightens the flavors.
  11. Experiment with Salsa:
    • Secret: Stir in a cup of your favorite salsa during the last hour of cooking for an extra kick and a burst of flavor.
  12. Resting Time:
    • Secret: Allow the beans to rest for a short period after cooking. This allows the flavors to meld and intensify.
  13. Garnish with a Drizzle:
    • Secret: Drizzle a bit of high-quality olive oil over the beans just before serving for added richness.
  14. Serve with Complementary Sides:
    • Secret: Pair Alico Beans with complementary sides like rice, cornbread, or a simple green salad for a well-rounded meal.
  15. Adjust Heat Levels:
    • Secret: Customize the spice level to your preference. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes for extra heat.

Feel free to tailor these secrets to your taste preferences, and enjoy creating the perfect Alico Beans in your crockpot!

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