Savory Ranch Italian Pot Roast 2023



  • 3-4 pounds pot roast
  • 1 envelope dry ranch dressing
  • 1 envelope dry Italian dressing
  • 1 envelope brown gravy
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 1 bag baby carrots
  • 1 bag baby Yukon gold potatoes, halved
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh herbs (rosemary or thyme) for garnish (optional)


  1. Prepare the Pot Roast:
    • Place the pot roast in the slow cooker.
  2. Mix the Dressing Packets:
    • In a bowl, mix the dry ranch dressing, dry Italian dressing, and brown gravy envelopes with 1 cup of water. Whisk until well combined.
  3. Pour Mixture Over Pot Roast:
    • Pour the dressing mixture over the pot roast, ensuring it is evenly coated. The dressings will infuse the meat with rich flavors.
  4. Add Vegetables:
    • Arrange the sliced onions, baby carrots, and halved baby Yukon gold potatoes around the pot roast.
  5. Season with Salt and Pepper:
    • Season the entire mixture with salt and pepper to taste. The dressings already contain some seasoning, so adjust according to your preference.
  6. Cook on High for 5 Hours:
    • Set the slow cooker to high and cook for 5 hours. The pot roast will become tender, and the vegetables will absorb the delicious flavors.
  7. Switch to Low for 1 Hour:
    • After 5 hours, switch the slow cooker to low and let it continue cooking for an additional 1 hour. This helps further meld the flavors.
  8. Check for Doneness:
    • Check the pot roast for doneness. The meat should be fork-tender, and the vegetables should be cooked through.
  9. Garnish and Serve:
    • Garnish with fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme for a burst of freshness. Serve the pot roast with the vegetables on a platter.
  10. Optional Gravy:
    • If desired, use the juices in the slow cooker to make a simple gravy. Mix a tablespoon of cornstarch with water, add it to the juices, and cook until thickened.
  11. Enjoy Your Perfect Pot Roast:
    • Slice the pot roast, and serve it with the flavorful vegetables and optional gravy. Enjoy this savory and fuss-free pot roast dinner!

Note: Feel free to customize the recipe by adding garlic, Worcestershire sauce, or other herbs and spices to suit your taste preferences.

Here are some helpful tips to make your Savory Ranch Italian Pot Roast even more delightful:

  1. Choose Quality Meat:
    • Select a good-quality pot roast with marbling for a more tender and flavorful result. Chuck roast or shoulder roast works well.
  2. Sear the Meat:
    • For added depth of flavor, sear the pot roast on all sides in a hot skillet before placing it in the slow cooker. This step helps lock in juices and enhances the overall taste.
  3. Use Fresh Herbs:
    • If available, add fresh herbs such as rosemary or thyme during the cooking process. Tie them into a bundle and place them in the slow cooker for a fragrant and aromatic touch.
  4. Add Garlic:
    • Enhance the savory flavor by adding minced garlic to the dressing mixture. Garlic complements the Italian and ranch flavors wonderfully.
  5. Worcestershire Sauce Boost:
    • A splash of Worcestershire sauce can add a savory depth to the pot roast. Consider incorporating it into the dressing mixture.
  6. Deglaze the Skillet:
    • If you sear the meat, deglaze the skillet with a bit of broth or water after searing. Pour these flavorful bits into the slow cooker for an extra boost of taste.
  7. Adjust Seasonings:
    • Taste the dressing mixture before pouring it over the roast and adjust the seasonings if needed. This ensures the perfect balance of flavors.
  8. Layer Vegetables Strategically:
    • Place the vegetables strategically around and on top of the roast, ensuring they are evenly distributed for consistent cooking.
  9. Baste During Cooking:
    • If you’re around, occasionally baste the pot roast with the cooking juices to keep it moist and ensure even flavor distribution.
  10. Add Red Wine:
    • For a rich and complex flavor, consider adding a splash of red wine to the dressing mixture. Make sure it complements the other ingredients.
  11. Customize Vegetables:
    • Feel free to customize the vegetable mix. Add mushrooms, bell peppers, or celery for additional flavors and textures.
  12. Finish with Fresh Herbs:
    • Just before serving, sprinkle freshly chopped herbs over the pot roast for a burst of freshness. Parsley or chives work well.
  13. Let It Rest:
    • Allow the pot roast to rest for a few minutes before slicing. This helps the juices redistribute throughout the meat, keeping it succulent.
  14. Serve with Crusty Bread:
    • Pair the pot roast with crusty bread to soak up the delicious juices. A side of mashed potatoes or creamy polenta also works well.
  15. Reheat with Broth:
    • If reheating leftovers, add a bit of broth or water to maintain the moisture of the pot roast.

By incorporating these tips, you’ll elevate the flavors and make your Savory Ranch Italian Pot Roast even more delightful. Enjoy your delicious and comforting meal!

Popular Questions and Answers:

Here are some potential questions and answers that might arise regarding the Easy Savory Ranch Italian Pot Roast :


Q: Can I use a different cut of meat for this pot roast?

A: Yes, you can use a different cut of meat, such as chuck roast or shoulder roast. Ensure it has some marbling for tenderness and adjust the cooking time accordingly based on the size and thickness of the meat.

Q: Can I make this recipe in an Instant Pot or on the stovetop?

A: Yes, you can adapt this recipe for an Instant Pot or stovetop. For the Instant Pot, sear the meat using the sauté function, then pressure cook for about 60-75 minutes. On the stovetop, sear the meat in a Dutch oven, then simmer on low heat for 2-3 hours, checking for tenderness.

Q: What other vegetables can I add to the pot roast?

A: You can customize the vegetable mix by adding ingredients like mushrooms, bell peppers, celery, or even butternut squash. Ensure they are cut into uniform sizes for even cooking.

Q: Can I make this pot roast ahead of time?

A: Yes, you can prepare the pot roast ahead of time. Cook it according to the recipe, let it cool, and store it in the refrigerator. Reheat before serving, and the flavors will have further developed.

Q: How do I make gravy from the juices in the slow cooker?

A: To make a simple gravy, mix 1-2 tablespoons of cornstarch with water until smooth. Whisk this mixture into the juices in the slow cooker and cook on high until thickened. Adjust the consistency by adding more water or cornstarch if needed.

Q: Can I freeze the leftovers?

A: Yes, you can freeze the leftover pot roast. Allow it to cool, then transfer it to airtight containers or freezer bags. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

Q: What can I serve with this pot roast?

A: Potatoes, rice, or crusty bread are excellent choices to serve with this pot roast. Mashed potatoes or creamy polenta work particularly well to soak up the flavorful juices.

Q: Can I use fresh herbs instead of dried ones?

A: Yes, you can use fresh herbs. If using fresh rosemary or thyme, use about three times the amount of dried herbs. Add them during the cooking process and garnish before serving.

Q: Can I make this recipe with a lower sodium content?

A: Yes, you can choose low-sodium or sodium-free versions of the dressing and gravy mixes to reduce the overall sodium content of the dish.

Q: How do I adjust the cooking time for a smaller or larger roast?

A: For a smaller roast, consider reducing the cooking time, while a larger roast may require additional time. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature reaches a safe level for consumption (at least 145°F or 63°C for beef).

Here are some secrets to achieving the perfect Savory Ranch Italian Pot Roast:

  1. Quality Ingredients:
    • Start with high-quality ingredients, including a well-marbled pot roast, fresh vegetables, and reputable brands of dry ranch dressing, Italian dressing, and brown gravy mixes.
  2. Searing for Flavor:
    • If time allows, sear the pot roast on all sides before placing it in the slow cooker. Searing enhances the flavor by caramelizing the surface of the meat.
  3. Balanced Seasonings:
    • Taste the dressing mixture before pouring it over the roast and adjust the seasonings if necessary. Ensure a balanced flavor profile by considering the saltiness of the mixes.
  4. Fresh Herbs for Aroma:
    • If using fresh herbs, add them to the slow cooker for the last hour of cooking. This enhances the aroma and imparts a fresh herbal flavor to the dish.
  5. Layering Vegetables:
    • Strategically layer the vegetables around and on top of the pot roast to ensure even cooking. This promotes a harmonious blend of flavors.
  6. Slow and Low Cooking:
    • Follow the recommended cooking times on low heat. Slow cooking allows the flavors to meld and results in a tender and succulent pot roast.
  7. Occasional Basting:
    • If you’re around, occasionally baste the pot roast with the cooking juices. Basting helps keep the meat moist and ensures even flavor distribution.
  8. Customization with Wine:
    • For a richer flavor, consider adding a splash of red wine to the dressing mixture. Choose a wine that complements the other ingredients.
  9. Worcestershire Sauce Addition:
    • Add a splash of Worcestershire sauce to the dressing mixture for an extra layer of savory depth.
  10. Fresh Garlic Infusion:
    • Enhance the savory profile by adding minced garlic to the dressing mixture. Garlic pairs well with the Italian and ranch flavors.
  11. Aromatic Vegetables:
    • If desired, add aromatic vegetables like celery or leeks to the mix for additional depth of flavor.
  12. Resting Before Slicing:
    • Allow the pot roast to rest for a few minutes before slicing. This lets the juices redistribute, keeping the meat moist and flavorful.
  13. Creative Vegetable Choices:
    • Experiment with different vegetable choices. Mushrooms, bell peppers, or butternut squash can bring unique flavors and textures to the dish.
  14. Reheating Care:
    • If reheating leftovers, add a bit of broth or water to maintain the moisture of the pot roast.
  15. Garnish with Freshness:
    • Just before serving, garnish the dish with fresh herbs like parsley or chives for a burst of color and freshness.

By incorporating these secrets, you’ll ensure that your Savory Ranch Italian Pot Roast is not only delicious but also a culinary masterpiece. Enjoy the savory goodness!

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